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Author Bernard Chinn
Posted 8/12/02; 2:29:59 AM
Topic Ramble over 6 Strings
Msg# 2795 (in response to 2794)
Prev/Next 2794/2796
Reads 1188

Hi Joe, Of course you are quite right. I can't play the guitar at all - if the piece requires an ad lib etc., I input from the synth into the computer, as I'm sure you understand, then convert it to whatever instrument I want. Sounds easy, the trick is to get the feel of the instrument, which isn't easy when attempting say a trumpet improvisation on the keyboard. I did my best to get a jazz guitar feel into 'Ramble' and tried to limit myself to no more than 6 notes at any one time. I felt the result was reasonable, and I'm pleased you liked it. I am a pianist, but reckon that Barney Kessel was the ultimate musician on guitar, never heard anybody really approach him, although Russell Malone is pretty good!!! Best regards, Bernard.

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