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Author David Luebbert
Posted 8/3/02; 10:57:50 PM
Msg# 2775 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2774/2776
Reads 4244

Bernard's  newest

If you've visited here awhile, you know that Bernard Chinn loves to compose orchestral waltzes. His newest is Juilet, which he submitted on Thursday around lunch time in England where he resides, 3:40AM where the SongTrellis server and I domicile.

Newest in The Changes

Currently 764 tunes are listed. Seems like there's no end to the great stuff we're still missing. We've got a good representation of the jazz and standard tunes. Nevertheless if you look at the composer listings on the right border of  The Changes page, you'll see that we have five or fewer tunes listed for some very prolific composers. Wayne Shorter, Thelonious Monk and Richard Rodgers are best represented, and we're nowhere close to being comprehensive with them. We still have only the barest dusting of rock and classical progressions listed. It's clear that thousands more deserve to be listed.

 Anyway, I'm very happy to have found some good ones for this week's batch:

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Last update: Saturday, August 3, 2002 at 11:54 PM.