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Author David Luebbert
Posted 1/8/02; 2:39:17 PM
Topic A Fine Romance
Msg# 2317 (in response to 2316)
Prev/Next 2316/2318
Reads 2228


Message 437 in the discussion group, which you've linked this to, is dedicated to the chords with bass version. Message 595 is the drums, bass and piano version of A Fine Romance. If you go back to The Changes and select the first link for A Fine Romance you'll most likely get to hear what you are looking for. The second in the list is the chords with bass version, the one which you must have been listening to.

I just checked with my setups, Windows machines and Macs running Internet Explorer, and both links seem to be accurately labeled.

If you want to double check, download those sequence and load them into a MIDI sequencer or music editor (Cakewalk, Finale). You should definitely see additional other tracks besides the piano track. If they are not audible, I'll guess that the MIDI setup on your machine is funky in some way.
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