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Author David Luebbert
Posted 11/9/01; 8:33:05 AM
Topic Billie's Bounce
Msg# 2231 (in response to 2230)
Prev/Next 2230/2232
Reads 2839

On a Windows machine running IE or Netscape you should be able to right click the download link and choose the "Save Target As" command to force the download. It's likely that the open action for .mid files has been set on your machine to cause Windows Media Player to open a MIDI file and play it when you click on a link for one. "Save Target As" forces the save operation to happen instead.

Using a Mac, you can hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the "Download/view this sound" link which will bring up a contextual menu. Choose "Download Link To Disk" from this menu.

On my Windows machine "Save Target As" is always disabled for reasons that I don't yet understand. In this case, I was able to work around the problem by modifying the FIle Type specification for the Open action for .mid files to "Confirm Open After Download". This causes a dialog box to choose whether the MIDI file should be saved or else opened with Media Player.

Here's the method for altering the File Type spec for MIDI files if "Save Target As" is non-functional in your browser.:

 Open "My Computer" on your Desktop. Select "Options" on the View menu. Select the FIle Types tab in the Options dialog. Scroll down in the "Registered File Types" scroll box until the "MIDI Sequence" entry appears. Select it and press the Edit button. There is checkbox labeled "Confirm Open After Download" which is most likely unchecked. Check this item and then answer OK to dismiss the two dialogs that have been opened. The next time you click on "Download/view this sound" (or any other link that points to a MIDI file), IE will bring up a dialog which will allow you to choose whether you wish to save the MID file or open it with your declared MIDI player.

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Last update: Friday, November 9, 2001 at 8:33 AM.