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Author David Luebbert
Posted 8/5/01; 11:10:53 PM
Msg# 2077 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 2076/2078
Reads 1795

Minor ii-V-i progressions explained

On Thursday, Matt Fisher asked an interesting question about the meaning of the extended 7th chords that Kenny Dorham uses in Blue Bossa. The first half of my response shows how 7alt, 7(b5) and 7(#5) chords can sometimes be treated as synonyms. The second half demonstrates the scale choices that work best with minor ii-V-i progressions. You can hear what's going on because I cooked up musical examples to demonstrate the music theory involved. Check it out!

New composer today

Yee-hah! Another contributor! Brent Pym submitted two new compositions this afternoon: They are entitled A Waltz and A Walk in The Park

Last week's new changes

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