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Top > SongTrellis Site How-Tos > How To Use Your Workscore To Create A Chord Progression Arrangement
 You can type a new chord progrssion into your Workscore using the Workscore Chord Entry page.
 The Workscore Chord Entry page allows you to enter a chord into the score by specifying its root, chord type, and duration. You will have all of this info for each chord laying in front of you if you have sheet music that displays chord symbols for the tune that you are arranging.
 You select the chord root and chord type using the dropdown menus that are available on that page, and press the "Send Chord To>>" button (the >> is an attempt to indicate that you are adding the specified chord to the progression displayed in the workscore on the right), to add it to your workscore. This page won't play your score, until you press the Play button at the top of the workscore panel that appears on the right.
 Keep entering chords until you have entered all the chords specified by your source score.
 This method of chord entry corresponds exactly with how Dave Luebbert created most of his submsiisions to The Changes in SongTrellis using the SongTrellis Editor For Mac.
 Using that tool, at a flashing insertion point cursor in the chord voice of a score, he selected a chord by selecting its root and type in a selected Chord entry control group on the score's control bar, and pressed enter to record the specified chord in his score. He pressed the Play button on the score's control bar to have them voiced so that he could audition the arrangement produced, saved a MIDI and JPEG version of the score and submited the results to the site. Most progression MIDI sequences and scores were prepared in five or ten minutes, when the source score was uncomplicated.
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 12/11/15; 1980 hits.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.