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Top > SongTrellis Site How-Tos > How to submit an MP3 performance of your score
 SongTrellis will carry MIDI format submissions of music for as long as the site is in operation. SongTrellis will carry MP3 performances of submitted compositions on a space available basis.
 The server has space available to store thousands of MP3s recordings but millions of MIDI sequences and printable scores. When the server runs out of filespace, the webmaster may delete mp3 performances at his discretion. If he likes your work he will keep it. If he doesn't appreciate it he may delete it.
 The webmaster believes there is enough room on the server that it will be unnecessary to do any triage on mp3 submissions for several more years.
 Before you submit an mp3 performance, please first use the "Submit a new sound" link in Song Discussions to post a MIDI sequence for your tune. This will cause a page to be created which will play a preview of the composition in MIDI format when they visit the page for your composition. Mp3s currently cannot be played as background sounds on web browsers and thus are not appropriate to play as a preview.
 Your submission of a MIDI sequence through "Submit a New Sound" will also cause a listing for your submission to be indexed under the composers name in the Our Composers section of the site and under your name in the "Our Contributors" listing. An MP3 submitted by itself will not be indexed.
 Your mp3 performance will be submitted to the site via the "Submit a new document" link on the Song Discussions page. Follow that link. On the form that is displayed, type the title for the document that will appear in the SongDiscussions article listings and archives. Press the Browse button to locate on your computer's file system the mp3 performance that you would like to submit to SongTrellis. When you have selected it, the path name of the composition will appear in the field labelled "Choose A Document". In the "Text" field type what ever explanatory text that you would like the user to see in the performance's SongTrellis page before they launch your performance.
 When you are finished press the submit button to send the performance to the SongTrellis server. Because mp3 files are so large, it may take several minutes to post your performance. When it is completely recorded, the server will show you your submission's page in Song Discussions.
 Next copy the URL for that page, and visit the tune's MIDI preview page. Press the Edit This Page button there, and type text in it that indicates that there is an mp3 performance for your composition. Press the Link icon on the top fringe of the "Text" typein field, and paste the URL in the form that comes up. Press the OK button, and a link from the selected text to your MP3 performance will be created.
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 12/11/15; 1686 hits.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.