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Top > SongTrellis Site How-Tos > How To Notate A Melody Using Your Workscore
 You can type a melody into the melody voice of your Workscore on SongTrellis by using the Workscore Composer page.
 Using the typein field labelled "Enter notes on pitches" you can type a list of pitches for notes that you would like to enter into the score. You can enter as many pitch names as fit within the typein field separated by commas.
 Valid pitch names are the characters a, b, c, d, e,f, and g followed by an optional accidental symbol. You can also enter the pitch names as capital letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
 The accidental symbol which flats a pitch is 'b'. ('b' is the keyboard symbol that looks most similar to a musical flat symbol). The accidental symbol which sharps a pitch is '#'.
 When you press the Enter key that's in front of this typein field, a sequence of notes is entered into the score that is recorded on the list of pitches that was typed into the typein field. They are all given the duration that is specified by the duration setting options that are displayed in the top group of controls that are displayed in the left panel of the Workscore Composer page.
 Example: typing the characters 'a,Bb,f#' into the "Enter notes on pitches" type-in field and pressing enter while "eighth-triplet" is selected on the Duration menu, will cause three eight-triplets to be entered on the pitches A, Bb, abd F# in your score. These will all be in the octave, measured fron C to the next higher B, in which you last entered notes into the score.
 You can include the words 'up' and 'down' between pitch names, to force the composer to enter the new notes an octave higher or lower than the last note you entered.
 Typing "D,up,C,down,Bb" would cause a D note to be entered in the next higher octave, a C in the same octave as D, and Bb in the original octave that is in the octave range immediately below the D and C notes.
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 12/11/15; 1772 hits.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.