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Top > SongTrellis Site How-Tos > How To Invent New Harmony (a new chord progression) using your Workscore
 The Chord Entry By Grid page of SongTrellis provides a chord grid, a rectangular grid whose rows are labelled by the names of different chord types. Each row contains 12 squares that contain the names of the possible root pitches upon which a chord of that type can be built.
 Pressing the pitch squares in the grid cause the server to instantly play an instance of the selected chord and display the notation that describes how that chord was arranged by the SongTrellis server when it was played for you. With this you can quickly audition different harmonic ideas.
 When you find a chord that feels like it belongs in your progression, you add it to your Workscore. You keep doing this till you have created a large enough progression to improvise with or to accompany an original melody that you'll compose.
 With just a single chord entered in your Workscore, you have enough harmonic material so the you can use the Workscore Composer to compose a new melody that uses that chord for accompaniment.
 The Chord Entry By Grid page is a three-panel design, with the left side of the page devoted to the chord grid, the right side devoted to the display of your Workscore, and a middle panel devoted to an audition panel which demonstrates how the last chord selected in the grid sounds.
 In the center panel, pressing the button "Send Chord To>>" button, which appears above a selection radio group and a menu that sets Duration of the chord to be entered, causes a chord of root and chord type last auditioned by using the chord grid to be added to the workscore at the location specified by a selection location radio button.
 If "end of workscore" is selected, the auditioned chord is added to the end of score. This is default. When "beginning of workscore" is selected, the newly entered chord will become the new beginning chord in the progression. The "replace last chord of work score" setting causes the auditioned chord to replace the last chord in the progression, and the "replace first chord of the work score" setting causes the chord that begins the progression to be replaced
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 12/11/15; 1661 hits.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.