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Top > SongTrellis Site How-Tos > How to find a list of a particular composers tunes that are listed in The Changes
 SongTrellis maintains an individual index for each composer who has a tune listed in The Changes section of SongTrellis.
 If you look on the right side of The Changes listing, you'll see that links to the chord progression pages of 50 of the most requested composers are listed there.
 At the bottom of the list, is a All Composers (alphabetical list) link. If you follow the link, an alphabetical listing of all of the composers who have tunes recorded in The Changes will be displayed for you.
 When you click on one of the composer links in the list, a page will launch that will list the tunes by that composer which are in The Changes.
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 12/11/15; 1712 hits.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.